Sunday, May 13, 2018

Graduation Speech

Hard to believe that in just 4 years, we're already in 8th grade. Top of the school, now we're just going to be freshman. There are many people I can thank for helping me get here, one being my teachers, two being most of my friends. But one ironic thing about all of this is the fact that every year we think, "Man, this year was near impossible!", but then we go onto next year and we think, "Wow, last year was so easy compared to this year." Trust me, we're all going to get that once in our lives. But we have our teachers to help guide us throughout the year, and they do a good job at it. There will be stressful times, like a big project or tests, exams, and finals, but as long as you truly try, it's not as bad as it seems. This advancement we're about to make onto high school, isn't an easy one. More homework, saying goodbye to rushing in all your homework in RTI, and saying goodbye to some friends. But it's not a transition of sadness. It's a transition of joy. We get to become adults, to live life to its fullest. But most importantly, it's like a second chance at life. We get to start off a new era of our life, make new friends, meet new people, learn with new teachers. It's like another world of new experiences. We might be sad or scared of all these new changes, but part of being in high school is overcoming. You must learn to accept these new changes, and that is when your life will truly begin. All it takes is a little bit of courage, a little more effort, and much more studying, but the end result is a happy future. One where you can relax, and enjoy life. If you enjoy the time you have as a kid and never study, adulthood will be stressful. Not saying you shouldn't enjoy your childhood, but if you spent even just a little bit each day to study and do homework, it's all you need to a brighter future. We still get our memories here, however, like Camp Maclean, or any field trip or event we have had. The best part of all of this is that even after all this, we will forever stay together in our memories, the graduates of 2018!