Friday, December 8, 2017

What I want for Christmas

Ay yo wuz poppin. In all honesty, I really don't want much. I'm not those people who get mad because I got 3 things for Christmas. I mostly want $100, an iTunes gift card, and a drone. I want to put a fake ghost on it and fly it around. But what do other kids want? Well, being a modern teen, a lot want a PS4. I don't have one, but I do play ROBLOX. I'm not a nerd don't laugh at me. Also, they might like the things I got. But I strongly recommend the PS4. Candy would work, but there better be a lot of candy. I want candy for giving you that idea. Well to wrap this up, Merry Christmas. Or Happy Holidays. I don't know what you people celebrate. I hope you all enjoy your break! Bye!
Image result for christmas dank meme

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