Thursday, April 26, 2018

How to kinda-ish prepare for a test

Need help studying for a test? Take it from me, and I'll teach you 5 maybe study tips to actually get smart!
1: Study when the teacher announces the test, because you have to prepare ahead of time. The longer time you have to study, the better
2: Study a day before, this is for if you had no time to study, and need to make sure that you understand.
3: Study 5 minutes before the test, just so you know some things about it and not fail miserably
4: Study during the test, because it guarantees you an A
5: Study after the test, gotta make sure you know what you got wrong and cry about it later.
Follow these tips for an almost guaranteed-ish A. Always works and now I'm a genius

TRUTH: I'm not a genius. Only one of these tips you should do. Study for all tests, even if they're easy.

Food :)

One thing I love a lot is food. I mean, we need it to live, so technically everyone likes it. A lot of meals have a story of how they came to be, like the chocolate chip cookie or potato chips. But some foods have stories for individual people. Like my possibly favorite, the doughnut. But how did it become my favorite? It was many years back in kindergarten. We were having a typical birthday celebration, back when they were allowed. I usually was used to cupcakes, but instead they brought donuts. I was okay with it at first, but when I tried it, I loved it. Possibly the best thing I ever had. More students brought them, which made me happy. Then the rule came along, and I got disappointed. Now I rarely am able to have a doughnut, but when I get it I enjoy it.