Friday, September 29, 2017

A Favorite Toy of Mine

Ay yo wuz poppin. Remember when you were little, how we all had that one stuffed animal we would drag around the house? Well, I had one of those very special stuffed animals. It was a stuffed panda I named Pandy. Yes, I know, very clever name. When I named it, i was very young, so I named it Pandy because it was an easy to remember name. I loved it very much, and I would always carry it around the house. Yes, I do still have it, so it's still alive. But i don't drag it around the house. Why was it so special you might ask? Well, I used to be very lonely, even though i had a brother. Pretty weird, right. Anyway, whenever I felt lonely, I would go to Pandy and talk to him. I wasn't crazy, but I was lonely. That's why he meant so much to me. Also, it came with a huge stuffed panda, but my mom threw that away because we ripped the eyes out. I was sad it had to go, but I still had Pandy. Well that's it for now. Until next time. SEE YA!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My Passion

Ay yo wuz poppin. I am very passionate about doing good in just about everything. I do try do my best, and I love to be the best in a game. Like in Mobile Legends, I try to get MVP, but it's not easy. Also, I like to play Clash Of Clans, and I'm currently Town Hall 6, and I have healers. I'm currently gearing up a cannon, so fight me. Join my clan, its called Novice. There's many duplicates, so use the filter up to 25 to 50 people, and it should be the first one. My account is cwisy, so join if you want a good clan! I also try to do best in school. I do try, but I'm very bad at learning, and I'd rather be playing video games. I know, school is more important. But I do well in some classes. I try to do well in math and science, because I plan on becoming a paleontologist. But I might become a computer programmer and learn how to code. I have a passion for Pokémon too! I collect the cards, and I have some rare ones. I'm not going to say them all, but I have a mythical collection Jirachi. All I will say. These are my passions, and I hope you enjoy your day. Bye everyone!
Image result for passion

Monday, September 18, 2017

Tres Quotes

-Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt
-One mans junk is another mans treasure
-Who is dumber, the one who does something dumb or someone who follows the dumb persons act?

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

On Strike!

Ay yo wuz poppin. My day so far is great! We went on strike because in my English LA class, we weren't allowed to sit in the reading corner, but the boring library couch. It was only our table, and I made a lot of signs to show we were on strike. Might sound dumb to you, but the reading corner is life. After about 20 minutes, she decided to come up with a solution. She would let us sit in the reading corner for work, and the couch in the library for the "should've been our day" on the reading corner. We were all so happy our strike worked. She got rid of all the signs. That's my day so far. Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Wuss Crakalakin Boi

Ay yo wuz poppin. This is my first post, and although you might think blogs are boring, I will try to make mine fun. Stick around and I might post a picture of the greatest thing ever. This is mostly a sample post. I will write soon. I have a wedding on Saturday, so lets see how that goes! Anyway, this is it for my first post. I hope to see you all soon! Remember, its not "Hi" or "Hello." It's  ay yo wuz poppin. Goodbye everyone! See ya next time.