Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Ay yo wuz poppin. I like to play a game on ROBLOX called Project Pokémon. Kind of like normal Pokémon, but it’s free. When these things called “auras” came out, I never thought I could get them. Anyway, mostly pros got that stuff, and I’m a skrub at everything.  But soon I got one, then two, then many, many more. Now I have aura legends, like Time Lord Celebi, Shadow Celebi, evil Celebi, Fairy Celebi, and American Mewtwo. At the time, I wasn’t certain. Well, I didn’t have very good stuff. Out of nowhere, I met someone named TacoBell272. Thank you for helping me. My username is vocabu btw. He helped me to overcome my obstacle of not being bad. Some people, however, didn’t believe in me. They said I was a noob, and that I shouldn’t even bother trying. One way perseverance affected me.

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