Friday, November 17, 2017

What I'm Thankful For

Wuss crakalakin my boys. I'm just sitting here on my table. There isn't much going on. But inside my head, I'm thinking about all the things I'm grateful for.

Gratitude plays a big part in all of this. For example, you have to be grateful with what you already have. There are hundreds of people who don't have a family, a house, or actual food to eat. But you're lucky enough to have that stuff. You should, with these gifts, try to help others. By donating a little bit of money, you can help a lot of people out there. If we all just give a little bit of what we have, we can make everyone happy. But you are not forced to do this. This is you're choice, and you can make the decision.

So what are some things I am thankful for?
1. My family
2. My friends
3. My house
4. My games
5. My life
6. My healthy conditions
7. I am thankful for all the movies and books I have read
8. My food I am given
9. I am thankful for getting chances
10. I am thankful for everyone
11. The color purple, and the Amethyst
12. My TV shows I watch

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