Monday, March 5, 2018

I'm Still Here!

Dear Diary,
                   I watched the documentary "I'm still here!" A documentary about some stories of holocaust survivors. Keep in mind I watched it a while ago since I'm bad and forgot most of it. But some of the diaries were from people I never even heard about. It actually got me interested in what OTHER people, beside Anne Frank, went through. Turns out, there was an event where the Nazis had to treat the Jews with care for a day because a health agency was coming to check the conditions of the camps. After that it was back to work. 
                   I saw how someone lost there diary in a ditch because they tried to bring it with them. There was even a girl without any name, so she still isn't known, nor who wrote the diary. These entries actually were kind of interesting, and I advise you watch them, too! The video is "I'm Still Here!"

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Hey guys! This is my one free blog, so I've got some big new for ya! I can finally talk about the beloved me. Ya, so exciting. Anyway, I actually want to take this time to tell you all something, as I said earlier, big news! You can tell it's big news from the exclamation point. Anyway, I finally decided to post the blogs I've missed!
(Clapping Noises)
Ya, I've missed a lot of blogs, and I'm sorry, but I've been so busy with school and homework. (None of that us true) But I'm going to try to post more, and keep you guys bored more. Cya!

2 Pictures That Represent Me

Image result for happy pictures amongst sad people
I chose this picture to represent me because it represents how even when everyone else is sad, I find a way to remain happy even when something bad is happening, and I try to cheer people up. I think I'm a really nice guy, and I can help out others when they are sad.

Image result for someone bragging about themself
I chose this picture because I often like to brag about myself. The last picture was a perfect example. I also like to "draw attention to myself," according to my brother. I don't think it's true, but you can think what you want.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Daniel's Story

“We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place. And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love. Always choose love.” 

This was a quote from Daniel's Story. It was quoted by Daniel's sister, Erika. She believed that they shouldn't try to fight back. She believed that you should remain strong, and if they live, try to make the world a better place. She wanted people to not fight, but she wanted people to be peaceful. This is an inspiring quote from the story, and it helps people to understand how hard it was, but how they remained calm and tried to live. It was a fight for survival for them. This reminds me of my mom, who always tells me to stay out of trouble, and to love everyone, even if they hate you. She's one of the best people to me, and that's why I think she's my inspiration from this quote.