Monday, March 5, 2018

I'm Still Here!

Dear Diary,
                   I watched the documentary "I'm still here!" A documentary about some stories of holocaust survivors. Keep in mind I watched it a while ago since I'm bad and forgot most of it. But some of the diaries were from people I never even heard about. It actually got me interested in what OTHER people, beside Anne Frank, went through. Turns out, there was an event where the Nazis had to treat the Jews with care for a day because a health agency was coming to check the conditions of the camps. After that it was back to work. 
                   I saw how someone lost there diary in a ditch because they tried to bring it with them. There was even a girl without any name, so she still isn't known, nor who wrote the diary. These entries actually were kind of interesting, and I advise you watch them, too! The video is "I'm Still Here!"

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