Friday, October 27, 2017

The Outsiders

Wuss poppin. The Outsiders is an enjoyable book. It was exciting, thrilling, and had many mysteries. But I feel like I am similar to Sodapop. How you might ask? Well, I like fighting because it's fun, just like Sodapop. Also, I try to be kind to my friends and family, and like him, I'm not very smart. I am smart, but not VERY educated. My brother would be Darry, because he shows off and is dumb. Just kidding, Andrew's kinda smart, but I'm smarter. Like Sodapop, I had a girlfriend who I never will see again. I met her in a church, I shook her hand when we said "Peace Be With You," and never saw her again. Also, I am skinny, and I don't eat much, same with Sodapop. This is why I think I would be Sodapop of all characters.

Friday, October 20, 2017

My Series I'm Writing

Wuss Poppin. I've decided I need to do something with my life, so I started writing a novel. It's about a wizard named Gunzl, and his adventures. He isn't a very smart wizard, and he has a lot to learn, but overtime he develops new skills. Here's a sneak peak of the book:

Hey. I'm Gunzl. I don't like the outside world. I prefer my tower. I can learn spells without Griffin bothering me. Griffin is our strongest knight, and he always tries to get me kicked out of the kingdom for my "unfix able mistakes." Okay, I was only responsible for like, 24 deaths this past month. Okay, so I'm not the smartest. But I try. That's why Griffin hates me. He says unless I "get my head in the game," I won't be able to participate in missions. Suddenly, Griffin barged into my tower. He looked like he would regret saying something. "Gunzl, we need you for a mission, despite you're out best wizard. Don't take it the wrong way, besides, you're our only wizard."

This is just part of my new novel. It's the start of Gunzl's adventure across the land, and the struggles he has to face. That's my story. PEACE OUT MY HOME DAWG!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Where I See Myself In The Future

Ay yo wuz poppin. Even though everyone wants to stay home, play video games, and get all the money on earth, that isn't happening. You need to get a job in order to get money.  But what job do I want to be? I actually want to be a computer programmer. Why you might ask? Well, it's a good job, and I can learn to code. But how will I get to this? With a magical place of knowledge known as "school." Every child's dream is no school, but when you get older you realize you need to go to school. In high school, my sister says there's a computer coding class, so I'm going to take that class. If you want to achieve your dreams, then go to school. Study, too. Because if you get into a habit of not studying, you're not going to get anywhere. Image result for getting a job dank meme

Thursday, October 5, 2017

My Identity

Ay yo wuz poppin. I refer to myself by my Apache Attack Helicopter, and I like many things. I don't like school, and I want to become a computer programmer when I grow up. I also like dinosaurs, and my favorite dinosaurs are omnivores. I don't necessarily have a favorite dinosaur, but that's not a big deal. I am Assyrian, and my friends usually make some racist jokes about it, but when it's Yu Du, one Chinese one Indian, I usually say something back. Most of the time were people who hit each other and/or try to kill each other. (Not really, just a joke!) I have a mom, dad, brother, and sister, and my brother is my twin, and were identical twins, the first in my entire family tree! There isn't that much else about me except how I'm not very good in school, but I'm doing okay, and that I love Pokémon and ROBLOX. I also like the cards for Pokémon, so don't judge me. That's basically me, and also, even if the test is easy, study for it still, because you never know how "easy" it is. PEACE OUT BOIIIIIII