Thursday, October 12, 2017

Where I See Myself In The Future

Ay yo wuz poppin. Even though everyone wants to stay home, play video games, and get all the money on earth, that isn't happening. You need to get a job in order to get money.  But what job do I want to be? I actually want to be a computer programmer. Why you might ask? Well, it's a good job, and I can learn to code. But how will I get to this? With a magical place of knowledge known as "school." Every child's dream is no school, but when you get older you realize you need to go to school. In high school, my sister says there's a computer coding class, so I'm going to take that class. If you want to achieve your dreams, then go to school. Study, too. Because if you get into a habit of not studying, you're not going to get anywhere. Image result for getting a job dank meme

1 comment:

  1. OH cool that's actually awesome job to become a computer programmer,you get made a lot of programs
